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Smart Cities
It is predicted that by 2050 the percentage of the world's population living in cities will rise to 70 per cent, which poses numerous challenges for municipalities, which are faced with environmental, housing, mobility and health issues.

Cities occupy only 3% of the earth's surface, but are inhabited by more than 4.3 billion people, according to data from the United Nations (UN) and the World Bank.

Before the emergence of the Internet and other data networks, telecommunications had a clear meaning: the telephone. Today telecommunications help us be better prepared in areas such as healthcare delivery, emergency response, manufacturing efficiency, traffic congestion and industrial safety.

Smart Tourism
Data from the Bank of Portugal show that in Portugal, in 2021, almost 100% of companies in the tourism sector are micro and small companies, representing a turnover of 18 524 million euros. In a dynamic and volatile sector like this, innovation is the key to maintaining competitiveness.

Blue economy
Garbage in the marine environment is already a global challenge on a par with climate change.

The Technology, Information, Communication and Entertainment (TICE) sector is considered one of the most dynamic in the economy, being essential for both people and companies.

By 2025, artificial intelligence is predicted to be the technology with the most impact on healthcare, reaching an adoption rate of 68%.

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It is estimated that the adoption of IoT technologies in the construction industry will reach 25% by 2025.